Flustered Emotions

Under his constant gaze she went to pick a shirt. She chose a black one because she knew that without a bra the white shirt would reveal her silhouette. The black shirt would be more conservative. She could feel his eyes on her all the time. She was so flustered that she blushed again. She looked at him and said, "Please leave so that I may change". He shook his head.

What an adamant bastard, she thought. I wish I could bash him for this shamelessness. When she saw his reluctance to leave, she picked the clothes and went in the bathroom to change. Her cramps were already making her uneasy. She was beginning to view herself curled up comfortably on the sofa in the lounge. She wanted to sleep.

She closed the door behind her and started changing.

Wu Lina's denial towards Yang Xinyu was wrecking his nerves. He felt guilty the day he had had forced sex with her in a drunken stupor. But it was not up to him to stop loving her. He was beyond that emotion. She never cheated on him but had not responded to his affections for the last nine months leaving his heart shattered. Every single time he saw her, she stole a part of him. He always went back to her, stalked her… in the hope that she would return what she had stolen from him… but she never did… he was denied his drug and the withdrawal symptoms were drastic…

He had suffered more than enough and now he wanted his bliss. His love life had been most unlucky… he hadn't touched a woman ever since she stopped seeing him… he had taken to drinking… he was spiraling down the abyss all over again… that day when he saw her in the office, it was the last straw…

Yang Xinyu felt the similar feeling of denial when she rejected moving in with him, and again today when she closed the door on him…

'How many times Wu Lina…?' He went after her. He knew he had been selfish, but there was a part of him that believed that she too loved him…

She heard the door opening when she was wearing the shirt. She hurriedly wore it and started buttoning it, but a strong hand caught her from behind and picked her up in his arms before she could button even one of them.

Her shirt was left open wide, showing her white chest, mid-rib and stomach. With one hand around his neck to balance herself she tried to cover her body with the shirt quickly, burning redder by the second.

"Put me down!" She shrieked.

Not relenting to her, Yang Xinyu took her to the bed and put her down carefully on the soft mattress. He opened the boxes of take-away food and both of them ate it in silence. Yang Xinyu was occasionally putting some juicy bacon in her bowl every now and then.

Wu Lina had buttoned her shirt by then. Her pain had started coming back, this time accompanied with cramps in her thighs, and she longed to rest. She felt faintish and was hoping to sleep. Since Yang Xinyu was sitting on the sofa, she went to lie on the bed. She didn't have the strength to argue with him.

After eating dinner and clearing the table, Yang Xinyu lied down beside her and pulled the cover over them. He made her turn away from him, spooned her, snaked his arm around her and pushed her towards his chest. His warmth was overflowing and the heat emanating from him melted her cold disposition.

Her pain, tiredness, anger, dilemma and every negative emotion were slowly wearing off, as she drifted off in a blissful, soundless sleep within five minutes.

Yang Xinyu smiled at her back. He smelled her hair and without realizing slowly unbuttoned her shirt, reached her chest and cupped one of her supple, round breasts. He squeezed it softly without giving a thought to his actions. But his body couldn't control his emotions and he found himself turned on. He waited for a while to suppress his desire, but he failed.

He turned the sleeping beauty's face towards him very lightly, and slowly reached down to her breasts. He could hear the vibrations of her heart in her chest. Her naked body was so alluring. He removed the shirt and exposed one of her breasts. Going down to them he circled her nipple with his tongue and then softly suckled it.

His erection was getting larger by the minute making him uncomfortable. He couldn't hold it any longer in his shorts. While suckling her nipple he removed his shorts slowly freeing his erection.

He wrapped his large hand on it and stroked himself while glued to her breasts until he reached his climax. His body jerked uncontrollably and he let out muffled groans.

He left her nipple, which was now wet with his saliva and turned to grab a few tissues from the bedside drawer. After cleaning himself, he came next to her and lifted her on his body, her naked stomach and chest touching him through his t-shirt.

She murmured something in her sleep. He got alerted and realized that she would wake up now even with the slightest of his movement. He stopped moving. He had already moved her around a little.

He could feel the wetness of her breasts through his shirt and again found it difficult to control his erection! But now he dare not do anything. So to divert his mind from the current situation he started reciting multiplication table from twenty-five backwards!

He finally slept when he reached nineteen times five…

Wu Lina woke up in the middle of the night and found herself on his chest, almost naked. She shook her head in embarrassment even though this was their usual way of sleeping whenever they were together in the past.

She came down slowly, got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to change her tampon. She buttoned up her shirt.

Upon returning to the bedroom, she went to the sofa to sleep. Just as she was about to doze off, a pair of strong arms picked her up and carried her back to the bed. She found herself on his chest again. Moments later she was snuggling in him reflexively…