Give Me a Kiss

The morning sun filled the room from the window waking Yang Xinyu. It was quarter past seven. He looked at Wu Lina who was fast asleep over him. His heart was filled with warmth. He gently stroked her hair and inhaled her toxic smell again. He didn't want to budge from his place but he had to go and pee. He wrapped his arms around her and cradled to the side to put her on the mattress. He slowly peeled the cover off and went to the bathroom without making any noise.

He came back from the bathroom, made some tea for himself and sat on the chaise chair beside the bed. He took his laptop to check the emails and lifted his feet on the side of the bed.

She had kicked the cover off her and was now lying on her tummy. His black shirt had slid above her back exposing her flawless skin. His fingers were itching to touch her. While sipping the tea he would look at the young and wildly attractive Wu Lina, suppressing an urge to kiss her and wrap his arms around her.

This felt like old days… He wanted this to become an everyday feature… He wanted Wu Lina to marry him… to give birth to his babies… Four babies would be more than enough he thought… four sons would be better…

Just as he was about to give names to their babies, he saw Wu Lina fluttering her eyelashes. She was sleepy and turned her face to the other side. Yang Xinyu frowned and went to sit on the other side on the bed with his laptop. He bent down to kiss her. When he could no longer bear to stay away from her, he swept aside his laptop and slid right next to her covering them again with the quilt. He wrapped his hands around her and immediately felt warm.

Once again his mind drifted to their babies… She will be mine…

All of a sudden an alarm disturbed his morning peace. He saw Wu Lina trying her best to wake up. He smiled at her resistance to wake. The alarm's volume increased a little. Wu Lina was still dazed. In her sleepy state she nuzzled her face in his chest. He laughed silently.

'See how your body is tuned to mine.'

The volume increased further and was now so loud that it would have disturbed the entire neighborhood! Wu Lina sprung from the bed at an electric speed. But Yang Xinyu's arms had locked her.

She struggled to free herself first and then after a while just gave up. "I have to go to the bathroom," she said agitatedly.

"Then give me a kiss," he replied.

Wu Lina spanked him on the shoulder and pinched him on the arm. "Let go of me!"

Yang Xinyu was hardly bothered by her actions. He was indomitable. "Give me a kiss and I'll let you go," he repeated mulishly.

Accepting defeat Wu Lina leaned forward to give a peck on his cheek. As if prepared of her modus operandi, he turned his head swiftly to capture her lips. She tried to break the kiss but he had grabbed her neck from behind and locked her waist. He devoured her, fire burning inside his heart and body. He kissed her senseless.

In her failure to break free Wu Lina sought refuge in the crook of his neck and hid her face there. Although Yang Xinyu couldn't reach her there, he started grinning, which converted into a loud laughter at her action. He rolled over and pressed her on the mattress. Her face was turned the other side. He held it and turned it to bring it under his gaze. He looked at her messy hair on the pillow and started playing with them. He lifted his finger and traced her eyes, nose and lips that were puffy right now.

She could feel his bulge and the heat it was generating. She tried to slip out. Her bladder was bursting. "I have to go and pee."

He rolled over again getting her on top of him now and left her after pressing her strongly in him.

She leapt out of the bed and rushed inside the bathroom. She emerged half an hour later all dressed up to leave. She was looking more beautiful and fresh after taking bath. He let out a soft whistle.

He had to visit one of the manufacturing units today, which would consume all his working hours. He knew he won't be able to see for the entire day. He became sullen.

Known to be one of the most brutal businessman with a sharp acumen possessing an IQ of 160, Yang Xinyu was feared by the peers in the industry. Being a highly intelligent man, he was able to look at a situation in a straightforward manner, understand what is going on and then apply suitable solution. However, when it came to women, he would end up feeling very confused. He couldn't work out what Wu Lina really wanted and what he should do to get the desired results. Was he being selfish...?

"Come back to me," he demanded like a spoilt child. But Wu Lina was in a rush.