The Punishment

Sans a few brave ones who were still drinking and were hardly in their sense, all the party animals had left. Yang Xinyu picked Wu Lina on his shoulders and took the elevator to go down. He called his driver to bring the car to the front door of the hotel.

Yang Xinyu pushed Wu Lina in the car and instructed the driver to take them to the office. "Water… please give me water…" she murmured. Yang Xinyu passed her a bottle kept in the car. She couldn't even hold it properly so he held it for her to make her drink it.

Once they reached, Yang Xinyu pulled her out from the car, grabbed her thighs and again tossed her on his shoulder.

When they entered the building the security guard was so impressed by the CEO. He thought what a gentleman his CEO was helping this damsel in distress! He could smell the strong alcohol smell emanating from her. Girls today! He couldn't see who the girl was as her long hair hung all over her face.

The first thing Yang Xinyu did when he entered his lounge was to take Wu Lina to the bathroom and remove all her dirty clothes. He made her sit on the counter next to the mirror and removed her shirt, bra, skirt and panty in that order while supporting in a way that she doesn't fall to the sides. He made her lean on the wall that had enclosed the vanity area. Slumped in her senseless state she would murmur something incomprehensible.

He ran the tap in the tub to fill it with hot water. The residual of her vomit was sticking to his clothes. The smell was extremely pungent. He discarded and threw them in the laundry basket over Wu Lina's clothes.

When the tub was full he added her favorite lavender bath gel to make foam. He picked her up and lowered her in the water after removing her tampon. He had an urge to go down with Wu Lina in the hot water but probably next time… She was too dirty right now!

After giving her a thorough bath, he wrapped her in a clean towel, carried her outside in his arms and dried her hair. It took a long time for him to dry her long hair. By this time Wu Lina had started muttering something again.

"Contract… Can't be with him… My head hurts… We are glued…" Yang Xinyu couldn't catch what she was saying properly but got a few words here and there.

He was so tired of taking care of the drunken brat that by the end of the ordeal he angrily picked her up, walked over to the bed and threw her on the soft mattress!

He just wanted to lie down and rest after a long day's work, and here he was catering to this girl who won't even listen to him!

As a punishment, without covering her in the sheet, he left for the bathroom to freshen himself. Fifteen minutes later when he came back, he saw that she had curled up in fetal position. With just the towel covering her body she was probably feeling cold. His heart ached and he covered her with the sheet. Lying next to her, he gently removed her towel, spread her legs and inserted a fresh tampon. When he saw her slightly flushed face, his heart filled with warmth and he embraced her.

Minutes later Wu Lina had thrown the sheet off exposing them both to the slight chill of the room and it annoyed Yang Xinyu. He covered her again, but she continued to throw the sheet off her, mumbling, "he is not understanding… I hate this heat… leave me… Brother Zhang…"

'What? Brother Zhang!' Yang Xinyu was so pissed off by now that he had to punish her. He pulled her closer, and to stop her from talking any further he kissed her lips forcing her to open her teeth and reached her tongue. He sucked it hard, letting out a moan. Pressing her closer he could feel her breasts squeeze against his chest. He brought his hands to her breasts and squeezed them before taking his fingers further down to her lips in between the thighs. He stroked them roughly venting his anger. He left her mouth and went down to smell her female scent and came to her breasts. He sucked them urgently making her whimper occasionally. His erection was growing larger and harder. Wu Lina had now curled her hand around his neck and rested her leg over his stomach.