Bit His Finger

He stiffened further. Without waiting for another moment he removed his shorts and t-shirt, got up and straddled her. He opened her mouth by pressing her jaws and put his erection in her mouth.

"This is your punishment for calling out to 'Brother Zhang', when I am the one who is taking care of you!" He said and thrust himself deep inside her mouth.

Exhausted, he carefully moved out his erection and slumped beside her. Sweat was forming on his back. He turned towards the mumbling beauty and his lips curled up. He leaned against her forehead and said, "Wu Lina you'll drive me crazy!" He stroked her hair, her face, her neck, her bare back and brought his hand down giving a gentle squeeze to her bum.

Wu Lina was wearing a grumpy expression on her face for being denied her meaty dish!

Lazily Yang Xinyu brought his fingers on her lips tracing the outline lovingly. Wu Lina immediately caught his index finger in her mouth and started sucking it. Yang Xinyu chuckled.

Yang Xinyu shouted all of a sudden experiencing immense pain, "Oww. Oww!". Wu Lina had bit his finger! He took it out from her mouth, switched on the bedside lamp and looked at the damage. The finger was red!

Wu Lina was sleeping merrily! And he was writhing in pain! His ordeal hadn't ended!

He saw that his finger had her teeth indentations and at one place the blood was oozing! Yang Xinyu got up from the bed to find his medicine kit. Before applying medicine he had insert his finger in ice for five minutes for the burning sensation to end. He applied medicine and covered it in bandage. It was painful. He would ask his family doctor to come and take a look at it tomorrow.

When he came back to bed and saw the sleeping beauty, he jested, "Why would you do that Wu Lina? You drunken brat! Wait till you wake up tomorrow. You will be punished!" Then he picked her up on him as a habit and switched off the dim bedside lamp.

Later in the night he dreamt of four baby boys hanging around him and all of them were running after their mommy. "Wu Lina, don't leave me with these brats". One of them bit his nipple! "Ouch!" Lina, this one needs to be breastfed, he is hungry!"

The pinch on his nipple felt so real that he woke up with a start! There was still darkness in the room and Wu Lina was on his chest, nibbling at his nipples and mumbling incoherently.

He tightened his arms around her and stroked her back gently, 'Sleep darling… or I'll will be in trouble again!"

He woke up at half past eight in the morning. Thankfully today Wu Lina's phone alarm wasn't ringing. Perhaps her battery had died down.

She was still on him now curled up on her side. He kissed her head, careful enough not to wake her up and softly cradled her back on the mattress. He popped himself up on his arm and looked at her hair that was sprawled across the pillow now. They had formed a halo around her white face. A strand had mischievously found its way on her cheek. He removed that strand and kissed her there. He took his hand to her breasts and started playing with them. He pinched the nipples squeezing them twirling his fingers around them. He bent down to lick them at leisure. He sucked at the side of a nipple to give her a red mark. "That's your punishment for biting my finger," he mumbled. He licked the red mark. His member was getting provoked.

He took his hand to her stomach and pressed it slightly. Wu Lina jerked daintily.

Half an hour later he emerged from the bathroom, dressed to go to the office. With one last look at his sunshine, he exited the lounge satisfied that she is with him.

Wu Lina woke up with a severe headache. She caught her head in her hands wondering if it was going to explode. Her hands reached out to the bedside drawer where she had kept her medicines. She pulled the drawer and without looking at it started searching for the medicines. Something wasn't right though!

With one hand pinching the forehead and other in the drawer, she was getting irritated for not being able to find her medicines.

She had to peel the sheet off from her to really find them. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in unfamiliar surroundings, naked on someone else's bed! Immediately she covered herself with the sheet. She felt strangely wet down there!

Realizing last night's events, she said out loud, "How come I am here?" She remembered drinking alcohol excessively because she wanted to rebel against Yang Xinyu for audaciously barging into a party and above that taking away all her shots!

She weaved all the possible explanations for her being in this state. Then she looked down and flushed deep red realizing what all Yang Xinyu must have done to her.

With a hurting head, a salty throat and a red face, she drank water kept on the bedside table. Then she went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she saw herself in the mirror, she discovered a huge hickey on her left breast! "That shameless bastard!" she shrieked!

Her clothes were dirty. How will she go to the office? What a royal mess? Why was her throat sore?

After taking bath she felt better. Wrapped in a sheet, she was trapped in the lounge. She had to wait till her dress would dry. Anger built inside her. It was noon already. There was a lot of work piled up at office. She picked her phone to call the demon, but it was off. The battery had died. She powered it and waited for a while. There were numerous message and email notifications that chimed in!