Three Tiny Dots

Yang Xinyu was hard pressed for words. He didn't know how to react. The moment he heard 'triplets' he felt blood rushing to his head. He didn't know that wishing for that many babies and actually having that many were two different things. He looked at Wu Lina, who was still under the shock. Slowly he got up from his place and faintly smiled. The faint smile slowly turned into a bigger one, then into a grin, and then he started laughing.

"We are going to have three babies Wu Lina," he shouted, jumping with excitement. "Yay! Oh my god! Thank you doctor!" He thanked doctor as if she was responsible for making his babies.

He went near Wu Lina and ignoring the fact that the doctor was present, he bent and kissed his wife passionately. Warmth was filling heart and he said, "Thank you Wu Lina."

The doctor giggled.