Be By My Side

All the managers were waiting for the Chairman outside the lounge. The board meeting was about to take place in half an hour and the Chairman was showing no signs of coming out of the room. They were scared to even knock on the door and ask him to come out and look at the necessary documents.

Back in Yang Xinyu's office, Zhao Hai xiang was filling him with all the important details when he received a video on his phone. The video was from Wu Lina. It was a photo of the Chairman in the lounge giving instructions to Lu Shiming to add more guards. The caption was, "Do we need more?"

Yang Xinyu became alerted. Discarding all the documents in front of him on the table, he rushed to the lounge. He saw a band of managers waiting outside the lounge. He face became dark and the temperature of the place dropped below zero degrees. How dare they stand outside the room where his wife is? All the managers dispersed from there within a minute.