Don’t Leave Me

Vladimir had called Wenqian late in the evening. Wenqian didn't want to disturb Wu Lina so she decided to call her the next day.

In the Sapphire bungalow…

When Yang Xinyu came home, as usual, he strolled to the bedroom. But he didn't see Wu Lina there. He looked around for her in the balcony, bathroom, dining space and kitchen, but she was nowhere. Panicked, he called all the servants who were around and the security men from outside. He placed a call to Lu Shiming to find Wu Lina. Everyone was under the line of fire for not keeping a tab on where the missus of the house was, especially when she was in her current condition. In his rage, Yang Xinyu threw artifacts on the floor. "I am asking you once and for all, where is Wu Lina? If you don't find her in the next ten minutes, I will skin you alive!"

The servants shrank in fear. "Wasn't missus carrying her phone?" One of them suggested meekly to call her and find out.