Gifts for My Daughter

Two days passed and there was no news of Vladimir. Wu Lina though that he had abandoned his plans. The hope that was building within her slowly diminished.

But Yang Xinyu never dropped his guard for a minute. All the phone lines in the house were tapped for potential call from Vladimir. The only thing that was off was that the city's police was hardly into action. Lu Shiming had already reported to the police department about Vladimir's arrival but there was little to no action. Perhaps they had already laid a trap. With that self-assurance, Yang Xinyu stayed calm.

It was on the third day that Wenqian called Wu Lina in the afternoon.

"Wu Lina, your father has come here and he is requesting to meet you," she said.

Wu Lina's hope rekindled. She became excited and said, "Sure mother. Even I would love to meet him. It would be a great if he could have lunch with me."

"Well, talk to your father then," said Wenqian with a smile and handed the phone to Vladimir.