Kidnapped (1)

Zhao Hai xiang left the room to run the errand, and when he was back, he saw that the lunch was spread out. It was a French menu with exotic dishes. He was impressed by their quick services. The waiters were standing around to serve the dishes. When the dishes were served, they all started eating. Wu Lina was enjoying the dishes and thought that this was something she liked eating after a long time. She gazed at her father in admiration.

Ten minutes later, she felt drowsy.

Zhao Hai xiang was watching her and noticed that her eyelids had become heavier. Vladimir and Aleksander were busy eating. All of a sudden, they heard a thud and saw that Wu Lina had slumped in her chair. Vladimir instantly stood and went next to her. She was drowsy, but her eyes were open. Vladimir picked her up in his arms and shouted something to Aleksander.