Kidnapped (2)

The helicopter landed on a hilly terrain, the top of which was converted into a landing strip. It looked deserted, and there were just mountains and jungle around that area.

As soon as the helicopter landed, the pilot switched off the engine and jumped out of his seat to open the door for the passengers. The passengers included Wu Lina, Vladimir, Zhao Hai xiang and Aleksander.

Zhao Hai xiang had held his gun to Vladimir's temple all this time that they were in the air. He knew that this was the only way for him to stay close to Wu Lina. With his other hand, he had pressed a cloth on his neck to stop the blood from oozing out. Aleksander, on the other hand, was in a lot of pain. He was barely able to move.

Vladimir was only concerned about Wu Lina. He kept a close watch on her. She hadn't closed her eyes, which was a good sign.