Who Was This Man?

He took her hands in his and squeezed them softly before placing them on his lips. Kissing her hands softly he signaled his secretary to give her a bouquet of ninety-nine red roses. Wu Lina was flabbergasted at his behavior. Even though her body behaved against her wish, her mind berated her for the irrational thinking and she quickly retrieved her hands from him.

She took the bouquet of roses and kept holding it as she stared captivated, at the man in front of her. His eyes were boring into hers and her entire body was rebelling against her judgment.

She fluttered her eyelids and said, "Thank you." She bit her lower lips and then lowered her eyes. What was happening to her? Who was this man? With the dress he was wearing and the aura he had surrounding him, he looked like a wealthy businessman. His features were slightly rough, with an aquiline nose, a pair deep black eyes and thin lips.