He was Desperate

Then he looked at the stranger who had made quite an impact on Wu Lina. He recognized him and taunted, "How is Mrs. Tanaka doing?"

"She is doing good. Thank you for asking. If you will excuse me…" said Yang Xinyu and went away from there.

Wu Lina hated Aleksander for breaking her pleasure. She ignored him and looked at the direction Yang Xinyu went.

Yang Xinyu had gone to the bar to pick whiskey, when she noticed that Lu Shiming had stepped by his side. Within a span of five minutes, Yang Xinyu was surrounded by five men, who looked as if they were guarding him, even though they appeared casual.

Wu Lina looked at Zhao Hai Xiang. She had so many questions to ask to him. But Zhao Hai Xiang was busy having a staring match with Aleksander. It was as if both of them were fighting a virtual war.

Vladimir came next to them and said in a low menacing voice, "Quit it!"

The reverie was broken and Aleksander walked away.