
Wu Lina came back to her chair and sat down with a beaming face. Vladimir noticed his daughter, and for once, he was happy to see her. He wanted to go and ask her the reason for that cheery look but refrained, as he knew that she would again retreat in her world if he interrupted.

Moments later, he held a mic in his hands and announced to the world, "Dear all, thank you for visiting us from across the world. Today is a special day. I have been reunited with my long-lost daughter, Lina."

All the lights focused on Wu Lina. She got up from her chair and bowed to keep up with the act.

Vladimir continued, "She is now Lina Yankova." On hearing that name, there was a thunderous applause in the room. There were many jealous glares as well. Young ladies remarked at her sudden rise in status.

"Lina was found courtesy a very fine young gentleman, Yan Xiaojun." He signaled Yan Xiaojun to come forward.