The Blackmail (2)

When Yan Xiaojun left for home in the evening, he didn't know that he was in for a surprise. Rosa had made a beautiful presentation for him. Even before he could settle and have tea, she pulled him to his study, made him sit in the chair and booted the computer. While the computer was starting, she asked the maid to bring tea for him to the study.

Yan Xiaojun looked at her beaming face and felt like holding her tight. He hadn't realized how in a few days Rosa had got so close to him. He remembered how Ying Yue had blackmailed him and immediately felt as if he was about to lose Rosa. He looked at her, an uneasiness gripping his chest. She was uncomfortable by the way he stared but she could sense that he was tense. After standing still for a moment, she asked him, "Is something wrong Yan Xiaojun?"

Yan Xiaojun shook his head and said, "No, show me what all have you done," and reclined back in the chair.