The Blackmail (3)

When the secretary went to collect the photos from the lab, the photographer said something, which gave him goose bumps. He returned back with the report. Yan Xiaojun became stressed. He asked him to give the report about the photos to him. When the secretary left, he read the report and his face contorted. It was alarming. He had to find a way to stop Ying Yue from creating a disaster in his married life.

Back at home Rosa was so happy to about Yan Xiaojun's decision that she was jumping around the house like a little girl. She forgot that she was a mother of a child and behaved like a teenager who had just achieved highest marks in her annual exams. She wanted to go and hug Yan Xiaojun. As soon as she realized what she was thinking, she blushed. She smacked her head with her hand and tried to concentrate on her project details. But her mind was beckoning her to go to meet Yan Xiaojun and personally thank him.