Ivan As The Hero

The company couldn't find a capable candidate for the position of CEO, hence the responsibilities of that job was also given to Yang Xinyu. It was back to square one for Yang Xinyu. He was taking care of both the jobs when he was the CEO. It just meant that as the Chairman he would be busier than ever.

Ever since he had taken over as the Chairman, he was hardly getting tie to spend with Wu Lina and his tiny dots. He was constantly traveling. Often he would ask the doctor if he could take Wu Lina along with him, but she always refused. She refused mainly because Wu Lina was carrying three kids.

For Wu Lina, the month was hectic. She recruited people for the company after an office space was arranged for her in the Yang Corporation building. The process of recruiting people for the entertainment industry wasn't easy. She had to get skillful managers who would be able to handle stars. She would often borrow Zhao Hai xiang from Yang Xinyu to help her organize people.