Epic Entertainment

Rosa looked at him and said reproachfully, "What do you mean? Don't you trust my capabilities? I can easily manage all of you."

"It's not that Rosa. Ivan is too young. He barely knows how to sit properly. I don't want him to exert himself so much," explained Yan Xiaojun.

"Wu Lina was telling me that the movie production wouldn't begin soon. I am sure there will be so many formalities. By then Ivan will be able to hold himself while sitting," said Rosa, as determined as a rock.

"I am not comfortable Rosa…" said Yan Xiaojun looking at his son, who was chewing on his father's fingers. He smiled at Ivan and stroked his hair gently. Then he took out his phone to click his picture. He tickled Ivan, and Ivan started laughing uncontrollably. The picture was clicked and set as his wallpaper on the phone.