Come Back To Me

Wu Lina's patience was wearing out. She was unable to eat anything. All she would do is stand out of his room and keep watching him. However, the doctors pitied her and they allowed her to enter his room fully clothed in scrubs, mask, gloves and head cover. Wearing those Wu Lina entered his room and immediately went to hold his hand.

His hand felt cold. There were numerous tubes running out of his body. Wu Lina's heart ached and she wanted to cry again. But she restrained herself and said in a very low voice, "Yang Xinyu, come back to me. Don't punish me please. I cannot do this without you. I am too young to stay alone." She picked his hand and brought it to touch her belly, where she could feel her kids kicking inside. "See, they are waiting for their dad. They miss you talking to them every night." Wu Lina laughed mildly and continued, "I know you had been talking to them to come on your side."