Wait For Me

Wu Lina became quiet. Up until now she dis not want to reveal any information to him, as she didn't want to stress him. But she knew that he would eventually ask about the details.

"Yang Xinyu, it is not important. What is important is that you are alive and with me. Let's not go there. It was a tough time we have managed to come out from. Please, let's only focus on our future."

Wu Lina was afraid that he would use his energy in eliminating Yang Fangxu and her mother. Even though she hated them from the core of her heart, she loved Yang Xinyu more and didn't want him to think of those two. Besides Wang Lei had been taken care of by her father-in-law.

"Wu Lina, if you will not tell me, I will come to know ultimately, and when I will you cannot imagine what I will do," said Yang Xinyu in a cold voice.