He Is Chen Beixuan

Information about the Cang Dragon unit had a much higher level of clearance needed than those of other Law enforcement units. Although most people had heard of the Cang Dragon Unit, they had no clue where they were stationed at or their leader structure. Ji Luochen was a close friend with Zhao Baofen, and he only knew that Zhao Baofen was promoted to vice-captain but knew nothing of his exact responsibilities in the team.

However, one fact that everyone knew was that the commander of the Cang Dragon Unit was its Head Sergeant.

It would take at least a General Major to fill the role of the Head sergeant, and this position was often served for those whom the Military intended to groom as a future leader. No one had ever thought that Chen Fan was the Head Sergeant of the Cang Dragon.

"He is not even twenty years old." Su Peng managed to squeeze out a few words from his throat.