General Major of Cang Dragon Unit

"This is getting richer by the moment." Boss Fu exclaimed while holding the ivory fan. "Su Family, Nin Family, Tang Family, and Ji Family, it was as if that was not enough, now Lou Jinhui got involved. Even the richest man in Jiang Nan Province, Zhang Donghai would have to capitulate to such a force."

"Just so! Both Nin Family and the Tang Family were top ten families in Zhong Hai, the Su Family was the most prominent family in Jiang Nan Province while Ji Family's lord was a governor of another province. I didn't even mention Boss Lou yet. If Chen Fan didn't have the backing of Li Wuchen, he might as well be dead by now." Someone beside Boss Fu lamented.

"Boss Fu, do you think the boy's fate is sealed?" Boss Li asked with furrowed brows.

"Why of course!" Boss Fu grumbled. He then put on a cold smirk and said, "Unless you believe in the rumors that say he is a bastard son of a bigwig at the center of power. Otherwise, he is doomed."