Illusion Form of A Demon God

Chen Fan seemingly grabbed nothing but the air but the motion caused a ghastly shriek to sweep across the room.

It was evident that the shriek was not any ordinary sound made out of vibrations of air. It seemed to have bypassed the ear and pierced directly into one's soul, like the wild chantings of beasts from hell. Its cadence and tone were imbued with evil and chaos.

"Ah! What the hell is that noise?"

Many of the guards were taken aback by the sudden noise that seemingly came out of nowhere. Many of the guards threw down their weapons and ran away. Even Yukishiro Sa was confused by the strange noise coming from her own body.

"Your tricks are pathetic"

Chen Fan snorted with disdain and stamped the ground with one foot. Suddenly, an azure-colored light shot out from his eyes and formed a hand as it flew at Yukishiro Sa.

"Get out now!"

Chen Fan shouted at the top of his lungs.