Godfiend of Dark Mist

As soon as Chen Fan captured the Illusion Form into the yellow-skinned gourd,

An angry and pained scream shot out from a shrine in Kyushu island. This scream didn't seem to pass through air, instead, it shot right into the mind of people nearby.

"Oh no. Lord Susano has awakened. What is going on?"

An old man was meditating in a deep recess of the shrine, wearing an Onmyoji outfit that was completed with a tall black hat. His hair and beard were all as white as snow, face lined with wrinkles.


The wooden door swung open and a middle-aged man barged in: "Father, Lord Susano is angry, he has already killed three priestesses."

"Don't panic!"

The old man slowly rose up and refuted the middle-aged man.