Fi Ji Ninja Clan

When Chen Fan entered the Yukishiro family, he didn't care to cover up his tracks, instead, he swaggered through the main entrance and killed over a few hundred villagers including Kitaniwakawa. No one could cover up such a brazen crime while there were hundreds of witnesses.

he shocking development didn't stop there as more surprising events transpired. Yukishiro Chio was dead, and Yukishiro Sa returned and reclaimed the seat of power in the Yukishiro family. It might not convey any meaningful message to a stranger, but members of the Yukishiro family knew that it was a telltale sign that the powerful man who had destroyed Lord Susano's Illusion Form was behind all these developments.

Meanwhile, inside a deep recess of the Shrine, three men sat in a circle.

"Who is he?" Yukishiro's family didn't last more than one day.

Chizuru Masahiro sat at the head of the table with a pair of glinting eyes.