Susano Shrine

"Fuji Ninja Clan? Are they ninjas?"

Chen Fan studied the man trapped in the air with interest. This man had laid flat on the rock and camouflaged with his environment seamlessly. His heart pulse and breath were both faint enough to slip through most Grandmasters detection.

Chen Fan could also feel a pulse of Earth Elemental Energy that was not any weaker than that of Jason the Tree Herder. He was an Earth Elemental Extraordinary One, and therefore, he was able to hide in plain sight.

However, Chen Fan's Divine Will was omnipresent, and any life form, whether concealed or not, shone like a bright torch in the night with his Divine Will. This Ninja would never avoid his detection.

"Those who stalked me on my way here are all your colleagues, aren't they?" Chen Fan asked.

The little man didn't reply. He glared at Chen Fan with the unswerving determination to hold on any information.