Secrets of The Devine Dap

Under everyone's respectful gaze, Chen Fan sauntered through the Susano Shrine's gate with his hands behind his back. A hint of snicker flashed in Chizuru Masahiro's eyes, but he quickly masked it with a solemn expression.

"Master Chen Beixuan, this is the main hall where we worshiped Lord Susano."

Chen Fan and Yukishiro Sa followed Chizuru Masahiro and arrived at a large hall with no one in it. Despite its seeming emptiness, Chen Fan's Divine Will would sense many furtive presences around the dark corners. These men lurking in the darkness controlled their breath to a minimum and camouflaged themselves against their environment just as the Ninja of the Fuji clan had done.

They might have avoided the detection of an ordinary Grandmaster, but not Chen Fan. Chen Fan's Divine Will had already flooded the entire hall and could detect even the smallest movement.