
A deadly silence fell over the room as soon as the brawny young man uttered his words.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment. No one had expected anyone to challenge Chen Fan so brazenly. Ever since Chen Fan toppled the Sheng family, all major families in Jinlin City had warned their youngsters not to mess with Chen Fan. Nin Yuze would be an example for those who dared to test Chen Fan's ire.

"Who is that? He should watch his mouth if he wants to get out of here alive."

"Master Chen is not going to take it lightly. This dip shit is doomed."

"I saw him walking in with Young Lord Song, Song Duanmin. Is he a friend of Young Lord Song?"

Even as the people in the ballroom murmured to each other in surprise, Yan Dong slapped his thigh and exclaimed: "Han Hongkun is here. Bring out your popcorn, everyone."