The Public Enemy?

"What is it?"

The old man furrowed brows. His severe cast of countenance emanated a majestic and overbearing quality whose presence would have shaken any ordinary young man to the core.

"It's nothing. My good-for-nothing brother got himself in trouble again." Han Juntu heaved a sigh and said.

"Ah, he is your younger brother, isn't he? I have heard of him." The old man left it at that and nodded.

He was impressed by Han Juntu, but he didn't like his younger brother at all. On the contrary, the old man loathed bullies such as Han Hongkun who pushed others around using his family's background. However, the old man was not going to intervene since it wasn't up to him to teach Han Hongkun what to do. In the end, he told Han Juntu: "If you run into trouble in Jinlin City, don't be afraid to ask me for help."

"Thank you, Uncle Li."

Han Juntu replied politely.