What Comes After The Darkness

Even as the group of Overlords rushed into the valley, the Three Lords of the Dark World were still slowly making their way toward the entrance, soaking in every inch of this magical land.

"This valley and the hamlet called Snow Wolf reminded me of a legend."

Adam said as he walked slowly.

The Three Lords of the Underground World were so relaxed that it was as if they were taking a stroll in the park.

Adam hitched his thumbs on his belt, looked here and there with levity. The Fool walked confidently and carried a smirk on his face. Zeus's wide strides carried so much conviction and weight that the earth moaned after every one of his steps. So convinced that they would have the lion's share of the spring water, The Three Lords of the Underground World weren't in any hurry to get in.

Such was the confidence of the most powerful Overlords in the world!

"What legend?"

Zeus asked in a husky voice.