Whoever Crosses This Line Will Die

Black Widow was an Overlord from Northern Africa.

Her body was covered in ominous-looking marks that resembled the scales of a snake. Her face was also inked with eerie-looking tattoos that extended all the way to her shiny bald scalp, adding on to the long split tongue, she just like an alien but also mesmerizing looking snake humanoid.

Despite her sexually charged bestial appearance, none of the Dark Overlords dared to lay a lewd gaze on her.

Rumor had it that an African witch doctor had infused the soul of many poisonous beings with her life force, granting her many special abilities. Her body became flexible as a poisonous snake, she gained the ability to climb up walls and walk on water as spiders would, and even her teeth and lips were as poisonous as a scorpion's barb. Therefore people started to call her the "Black Widow."