Destroying The Ghost Witch Sect

Chen Fan had taken this Summoning Flute of Demon God from the young lord of the Ghost Witch Set. It was made out of a Connate Bone and once Chen Fan infused it with the five Demon Gods, it had finally become a powerful Spirit Artifact.

The spirits and ghosts shrieked when they noticed the bone flute.

It was as if they had seen their natural predator.


The flute let out a deep sound with an ancient if not primal timbre.


Then came an ear-deafening blare that made the earth and mountain tremble as if an earthquake. A fifteen-meter tall Golden Armor Immortal Guardian appeared in the sky, riding on the back of a Pegasus, it looked as if a Heavenly Guard had appeared out of nowhere and descended upon the battlefield.

The Immortal Guardian's presence emanated powerful energy that swept through the battlefield.

"It is…"

Soldiers and warriors on both sides of the battle were overtaken by disbelief.