The Witch Sect Gathering

"Witch Sect Gathering?

The other elders shivered as soon as Chen Fan spoke the words. An old man with an aquiline nose shouted out hotly: "Grand Elder! How dare you betray the secret of the Witch Sects?"


Chen Fan raised an eyebrow and flicked a finger, sending out an azure aura at the aquiline nose. The elder acted quickly and pulled out his defense: a layer of shimmering dark screen.

However, any resistance would be futile before Chen Fan.

Not even a Perfected Cultivator could have withstood his attack.


The azure blade auras sliced through the elder's neck and decapitated him in an instant. Seeing the brutal death, the other elders were suddenly overtaken by trepidation.

"Tell me where Yu Wenjin is, then I will leave some of you alive to carry on the legacy of your sect. Otherwise, I will see to it that the Ghost Witch Sect disappears from the face of the earth."