Slaughter House Witch Sect


The Sword of Essense Restoring flew out of the gourd hitched by Chen Fan's waist and made a golden circle in the sky before it plummeted down at the Fire Magus. As soon as it severed the head of the Fire Magus, the blade whirled toward the Blood Magus.

"Art of Blood Explosion!"

The Blood Magus shouted at the top of his lungs.

Suddenly, his face flushed red as a bloody mist made out of Aether Qi sprayed out from his body. The Blood Magus charged up his energy and backed away at incredible speed. His movement was faster than any peak level Dharma Cultivation spell casters.

However, he was still too slow to outrun the flying sword.

From the corner of his eye, the Blood Magus caught a glimpse of a streak of golden glow before realizing that the flying sword had severed through his waist, cutting his body in half.

The flying sword didn't slow down as it plummeted into the next victim.