Enter Myanmar

It was one of the most powerful ancient sects in China.

Ever since its inception a thousand years ago, the Great Magus swept across China and even killed a Sect master of the Heavenly Master Sect and dominated China for hundreds of years. Even the emperor of China had to bow to the Great Magus and call him teacher.

This generation of the Dark Witch Sect also produced a Magus God that was also listed on the Divine Roll.

Sixty years ago, Ye Qincang finally defeated the Dark Witch Sect and forced them out of China to Myanmar. The Grand Magus God fought against Ye Qincang, but was eventually defeated. Afterward, he went into seclusion and swore to avenge his defeat after he had become more powerful.

Ever since the Dark Witch Sect arrived in Myanmar, they quickly rose to power and became the national sect of the country. Even Myanmar's president had to talk to the Grand Magus God with great respect.