The Excited Internet

The video recorded the same scene as many other people did: a wash of azure light flying up into the sky and seemingly in combat against a plume of dark smoke.

When the camera was zoomed out, it still looked like a sighting of some unknown military weapons.

However, unlike Wegener and many other tourists, the BBC journalist carried professional cameras that can shoot many images that were clearer than from cell phones. Even without zooming in, the viewer was able to see fireballs and wind blades.

Once the camera zoomed in, the viewers could clearly see the outlines of two men in the azure glow and the dark smoke.

"I am a journalist from the BBC, Amy Grafico. I swore that the footage is real."

Amy typed a line of comments on her Facebook with shaky fingers. She was in her suit in the most luxurious hotel in Naypyitaw.