The Earth Level Deity's Treasure

Myanmar was a small nation.

Dragging economic growth, outdated military equipment, a large population living under the poverty line were a few things among many that made Than Sein much less confident than the leaders of Japan or Russia.

Even though Russia was forced to sign a truce with Chen Fan, the leader of Russia didn't have to put away their dignity and beg for it as the Leaders of Myanmar would. Myanmar's president stood fearfully outside of the Hotel, scarcely daring to even enter without permission.

"Let them in."

Chen Fan said offhandedly.

Chen Fan's assuredness deeply impressed the seven boys and girls. Although Chen Fan had displayed his mighty strength by bringing down the Dark Witch Sect, it didn't translate to the same level of power as to be able to command the president with such casualness.

A flicker of light flashed in John's eyes.