The Battle of a Century

Lin Shuming and Chen Beixuan were both the most powerful overlords of the world, and they were going to have a showdown.

Most people who heard the news were shocked beyond belief. Lin Shuming had been cultivating in seclusion for sixty years, and as soon as he was out of his seclusion, he had proven his power by crushing an Immortal State Warrior during a fight. Based on his performance, a lot of people believed that he could take on at least three Immortal State Warriors at the same time.

On the other hand, Chen Beixuan was no slouch on the battlefield either.

The news from Singapore indicated that Chen Beixuan had only unleashed two punches and two palm strikes.

The first palm strike had killed Wu Guanchao, and the two punches ended the lives of Daxin and his pet snake. The last palm strike had quashed Sohabi into smithereens.

His incredible abilities gave him the appearance of a divine sage.