The World in Shock


Everyone let out a gasp of cold air after seeing the development.

Hua Yunfeng had dominated Zhong Hai and exerted his influence all over China for decades due to his incredible power. As soon as he entered the Immortal State, he should be able to hold out against any other veteran Immortal State Warriors. On top of that, the Art of Burning Clouds was passed down to him from his ancestor. Its belligerent attack could melt steel in an instant. However, he couldn't defend himself from Lin Shuming's finger jab.

"Come again!"

Hua Yunfeng shouted and took a step forward. The wind came up around him, puffing up his long sleeve. His white hair stood on ends like a thousand needles. Waves of white-hot energy rippled about him, forcing the crowd to back away.

"He is going to use his coup de grace."

Yu Wenjin's face changed a little.