The Most Beautiful Woman?

Qiushui Pavilion at Lake Kunming.

It was evening. The glorious pavilion was ablaze with lights. Looking through the antique gates, a lot of beautiful maids in long historical gowns were walking around with beverages and food.

Those maids were all exceptionally gorgeous. Any one of them could be the dream girl of countless people.

"Tong was of humble birth. Even though he's a top magnate now, his taste has never changed."

Wang Chen shook his head with disdain in his eyes.

No matter how humble he pretended to be, he couldn't wipe his arrogance off his bones. Chen Fan sat in the car and remained silent.

If it wasn't for his Mom and for the purpose of understanding what the Wang family was planning, he would have never gone to a banquet like this.

"Master Wang, you're here. Why didn't you tell me?"

A fat man in luxurious clothes ran out drenched in sweat. When the maids saw him, they all bowed and said, "Mr. Tong."