Wussing Out?

The Xiao family was the top family of Yan Jin.

Xiao Xuan was the most outstanding master among the younger generation in all of Yan Jin. Not even Han Juntu, Li Mufan and Wang Chen were as successful as he was.

This young man, who was named the "Dragon of the Xiao family," rarely attended the gatherings of the junior members in Yan Jin. His social circle included the top entrepreneurs in the country, celebrities, foreign consortiums and senior members of the major families. Some members of this community had never ever seen Xiao Xuan before.

When Xiao Xuan walked in, his momentum immediately overwhelmed the other guests.


Xiao Xianzhu went to greet him and to whisper in his ear.

Xiao Xuan sized Chen Fan up. There was no hatred in his eyes, but curiosity and shock. What was so special about Chen Fan that even the Wang family would dare offend the Xiao family for his sake?