Global Live Broadcast

When Chen Fan appeared on East Mountain, the CIA secret forum was the first to know about it. Countless people in the Dark World watched the battle between the Christian Church and the North Qiong Sect, as it would determine whom the world belonged to.

"Who do you think is going to win?" someone asked.

"The Christian Church, for sure! Saint Francis came in person and brought nine Immortal State Bishops with him. Without Chen Beixuan, the North Qiong Sect is definitely no match for the Christian Church," many said with certainty.

The technician of the Crimson Wings, Raphael, had even set up a live broadcasting of the battle on the forum with the help of the mercenaries in the area.

"F**k, there's an Earth Level Deity in the North Qiong Sect?"

"Where did he come from? I had never heard of him!"

"Luckily, the Christian Church also has an angel. They're indeed the most powerful in the world."