Risen Again!

American media was too powerful. When the trial began, almost all the TV stations in the world started broadcasting.

North Qiong Corp was a rising company and their fame rested on their Vitality Serum which was regarded as the "Divine Essence of the East!" They were supported by many countries and those who bought the serum said that their bodies indeed underwent some positive changes.

And yet, in the recent month, the western world defamed them and asked many "victims" to step forward and talk about the dangers of using the Vitality Serum, including damage to children's intelligence, developing physical disabilities, cancer and producing doping effects.

North Qiong Corp immediately went from being a reputable high-tech company to a fraud company that took money and lives.

"Public trial? Hm! All of them should be sentenced to death!"

"She looks pretty beautiful, but why does she have such an evil mind?"