The Emperor of Earth


The Pyramid-shaped ship fell from the sky and was engulfed by the vast ocean, stirring up waves of unprecedented size. Many people who were watching the battle let out gasps of cold air after witnessing the incredible scene.

That was a Battle Cruiser of astonishing extraterrestrial technology that was capable of annihilating an entire city.

And yet, Chen Fan sank it to the bottom of the ocean with one blow.

A Dark Overlord exclaimed on the internet, "Chen Beixuan is a beast! If the war machine of the Mayan race doesn't take him down, then who could?"

Other people shared his amazement and fear. Chen Fan had officially claimed the seat of power on earth after he had brought the United States to their knees and defeated the Wise Men. No one on this planet would ever dare to challenge him.


Suddenly, the Mayan Battle Cruiser broke through a giant wave and rose above the sea.