Message from Space

August 15th, 2012…

On this day, humans had been dealt a severe blow! When many people opened their eyes, they found that the entire world had completely changed; it wasn't a place only for mortals anymore.

Vampires, werewolves, supermen, martial artists, warlocks, aliens…

Things that only existed in legends and stories gradually came to light. The mortals finally realized that these beings had always been hiding next to them, some of them having existed for more than ten thousand years, long before our human civilization.

"The Realm of Kunxu, the Maya civilization, the Kindred, the Werewolves… I didn't know Earth was such a dangerous place," many said on the Internet.

People found a lot of mysteries throughout history and discovered that they had been exploits or remnants belonging to some Transcendent State or Immortal State Overlords.