
"Hmm- Uaaaah"

*Me stretchening*

*Oh it's morning!*

*H-h-he's here?!!!*

He's sitting in my room, his back is in front of me.

*I closed my eyes*

*What's he doing here? Oh my God! No, no, he shouldn't see me the moment I wake up!!*

*Hiding myself under the blanket*

*How come he sits here in my room while I'm sleeping! How would I get up now (">.<)!*

Well, actually, I really got confused! How come he wakes up early in the morning, thinking about coming here to MY HOUSE! No, not just that, HE'S SITTING IN MY ROOM!!

To be honest, I didn't ever care who sees me when I wake up, not because I don't care how do they see me, it's just that it didn't come to my mind earlier!

Now that I like him, I suddenly want to look beautiful in front of him, it just popped in my mind that I may look like a wizard after waking up ("+.+)

Do I really look like a wizard? Maybe I look just like the old grandma in Harry Potter movie!

No, no-no-no, he should see me in my best look!

What should I do? What shall I do?

It was the time when I just understood cartoon characters when they get the lighted lamp above their heads when they have the perfect idea!

I just felt that I have this lamp above my head now!! :3

*I got an idea! I'll wipe my hair gently with my hand, without making so many moves, he shouldn't realize that I just woke up before I get up.

I popped my head out of the blanket, looking at him.

*What is he doing?!*

It's weird, why-... why did he sit in such a way! He didn't look at me while sleeping..

*I startled for a little bit (o_o), is it because I look bad? Was my hair just like jungle mungle woods?

*That's even WORSE than the OLD GRANDMA in Harry Potter!!!*

So I took the chance that he's looking at the opposite side of the room, wiped my hair again and again, then I sat on my bed yawning.

*He realized that I woke up, and looked at me*

"Heeey, good morniiiing", smiling wide.

*Oh I know these two words!*

"Good morning" I said, smiling softly with an eye opened and the other closed by my finger.

*What! Hey you reader! My eye was itching....

Hu-ehm *coughing* (._.)'

So, I got up, and walked towards the door, got out of the room.

You know what? I really wanted to run to the bathroom to take a look how I looked a minute ago (*////*)"

As soon as I entered the bathroom, I just did the same thing in front of the mirror.

And as soon as I did that, I felt shy!

"Oh God! I looked just cute" (:$) .. xD

I got out, my family were in the kitchen, they told me to go have breakfast with them.

As I entered there, I realized that we have a new member :3

It was him!

Sitting next to my seat.

I sat there, smiling, happy and excited for the new day.

But as always, I forgot everything when I saw food, so.... I just ate comfortabely..

They were happy, talking to him, smiling wide, looking at me and smiling.

I didn't overthink of that, they were just happy to have a guest early in the morning.

Actually, a cute guest !

I suddenly, remembered what I was thinking of before getting asleep, got into the dilemma again!

*Hmmmm* Thinking (*~*)


We got out, played a little bit with other kids, then we sat in my grandparents' house on the sofa... next to each other... Silently!

I looked at him, softly,

At the japanese-like eyes, the soft thin hair, the soft skin... Smiled..


*Oh!!* (O_O), looking down,

*Oh my God he saw me! How embarrassing! He saw me staring at him and lost in my thoughts!*

*Uuuuuh, I feel so hot, my cheeks are burning! Are they red again? Are they red ... Agggaiin, oh I can't look at him again!!*

*Embarrassed like a red cherry, looking down, staring at the ground, my hands made fists on my knees*

*Would he smell burning odor? I'm burning here out of shyness!!*

He held my hand, grabbed, and pulled me gently.

I stood up, and he started walking, silently!

We got out of the house, he started walking faster!

We nearly ran, he's pulling me towards my house!

*Is there something bad??* I asked myself!

*I hope he didn't feel uncomfortable because of me earlier*


We stopped in front of my house, next to the door, so near to it,

No one was there,

My heart beats fast out of tiredness and running, I can feel it,

He held both my hands each with one of his hands,

He looked at me, directly, in the eyes!

*What's going on? Why are we holding hands?* asking myself.

*Here he comes, he's gonna say something!*


"I... I love you Liya" he said.

*Coming near*

*So near!!*



I was surprised!

He just kissed me on my lips!!

And closing his eyes!

*It's so hot!!!*

*He said he loves me! I know these words!*

*I know what do they mean!*

Is it fine?

I, I, I just didn't expect it !

He saw me surprised, shy, with cheeks burning!

He smiled, and took me back to granparents' house.


I thought about what happened, while sitting there.

*I know it's normal in foreign countries*

*But it's just weird to experience such a thing*


*Heart still beats fast!*


After a hard try, I just went to play with the kids...

He was there too.

*Half an hour later*


Everyone was gone, each family went back home.

But it's still midday,

What would we do next?

I went back home silently, still nervous,

*Is it okay?*

*I'll just go home, I won't think about it again*

*Maybe he didn't mean it the way I understood*

I overthink when things touch my heart! What a mess my thoughts are right now!


*Knocking on the door*

I went to open the door... It's him!

"Hi" I said, smiling.

"Hi!" He said, smiling too!

He came inside, walking gently, not running nor in a rush!

I closed the door, and walked behind him, thinking, no one is here, how would I understand what he wants?

I should suggest to play on the computer!

I know how to say (computer) in English!

I hurried, went to him and suggested, "computer??" Smiling and pointing at my brother's room.

The computer was there.

He smiled and said "yesss!"

He ran into my brother's room, sat on the chair and turned the computer on.

I was calm, shy, quiet.

But my smile was lighter than before.

I'm happy! I'm really happy!!

But I feel weird!

He opened google search, searched for several games, we played and laughed a lot!

It was so nice and refreshing to play and laugh a lot!

We turned it off, and wondered what to do!

*We're done with the computer, what else can we do?* I asked myself.

"Oh!" I just realized that he walked out of the room,

I went after him, and saw him entering my parents' room!

"Nazz" (>_>) I said, taking a look at him.

*He opened my mom's closet*

*What's he doing, why did he open it!*

*He knew there's a chocolate over there! How did he know it !*

He took it out and opened the box, gave me one chocolate, and took one for him.

We ate and ate and ate, almost finished the half of the chocolate box!

Till we heard the house's door opens..

We closed the box and the closet and went under my parents' bed to hide there,

As if we knew that my parents wouldn't like it if they know we ate most of the chocolate box they newly brought (o.o')

It was my mom who came in.

She entered her room and took something.

When she was about to leave, I moved a little bit then we both laughed in a low voice.

Here my mom comes, after she heard a voice !!

"Is anyone here?" My mom asked.

She came towards the bed, kneeled on the floor and looked at us !

We were surprised!

"Oh my God she knew!!" I said to myself.

How embarrassing to be found out hiding, under the bed... With a boy (!_!)'

"Oh hey!" She said, surprised!

"Come on, get out" asked us gently and smiling.

*She was about to laugh at us*

We got out of the whole room and the house, walked outside, happily.

The weather was so nice not hot nor cold, and suitable for playing.

I know some place in our land, behind the houses, it's a good place to run and play catching games and so.


So I stopped walking, I wanted to call out his name and ask him to come with me.

But, how would I do that? What should I say?

"Oh! I know the word (come)! I'll say it and he'll understand!" I said to myself.

He was walking so I called out his name, "Naazzz"

He turned his head towards me, saw me waving to him and smiling while asking him "come! Come!"

He smiled and walked fast at first

Then he started running,

There were some stairs to go down them to reach me, but because he was in such a hurry, he... He!!! Oh my God!

"Naaazzz!!" I shouted !!! Worried so much!

He fell down the stairs !!!

I ran towards him worried and afraid so much!

Oh I called him! I asked him to come

It's all my fault!

He was smiling, and because of me he's in pain now !!


Fortunately, my uncle saw him and my dad heard my voice, they ran towards us to see what happened.

His arm was covered with blood!

Blood is on the ground too!

He couldn't move a lot, but he didn't cry!

His facial expressions made me feel how much pain he feels.

My uncle carried him and my dad ran to turn on and open our car, I looked around me!

Blood spots are everywhere, on the ground, on the stairs and on the way to our car.

I ran behind them, saw them putting fine papers on his hand and leg too! Too much blood!

My eyes filled up with tears! I was afraid to death! What's going on what happened with him exactly? I can't understand how serious it is!

My tears just said hi to my cheeks, and I called him in a soft low shivering voice, "Nazz!!"

He looked at me, while pressing on his hand and said "it's okay"

My uncle closed the car's door, and they drove away.

"Naazz!!" Crying.....
