In the kingdom..

I need to learn about the administration of this kingdom, so please hire me an teacher who can teach me everything' said Laura

Teachers were appointed to teach Laura about the administration,

The administrative system was divided into 3 parts

1) First part deals with the king, his council and the government

2) Second parts deals with the civil and criminal law

3) Third part deals with the interstate law, diplomacy and war

Apart from that it has seven limbs of the States namely-


2) Council

3) Population and land

4) Fort

5) Treasury

6) Army

7) Allies

These were all the things that were thought to Laura..

Now after learning everything Laura wanted to do military conquest for the kingdom of Domes, but was unable to do because there was no news from the spy which were sent to kingdom of Domes..

Laura sent a companion with the letter to Kingdom of Domes, to have a peaceful negotiations between the two kingdom, and to have a trade so that the kingdom can be expanded, but The king of Domes rejected and said that, next time they will be meeting in the battlefield..

And the companions even learnt that, the people who were sent to Kingdom of Domes as spy they were all killed by the king ruthlessly and mercilessly.

Listening to this Laura was angered and she said that they will be fighting with the kingdom of domes...

Laura strengthened the military, and many rules were put forth,

Laura said,

O people! I charge you with rules; learn them well!

Stop, O people, that I may give you better rules for your guidance in the battlefield.

*Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path.

*You must not mutilate dead bodies.

*Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.

*Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful.

*Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food.

*You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone.

They were ready to wage a war on the Kingdom of Domes, they attacked the kingdom of domes and the war went on till three months, the king was dead and they had a huge victory...

Laura was successful and even the Kingdom of Domes came under the rule Of Laura...

When the prince heard the news that his father was dead in the battle field and they have lost the war he fled to Ujjain, as a commoners and started to leave a normal life..

Laura came back Magadha successfully and the citizens were overwhelmed by the achievement of Laura at such a young age, she became the hero in everyone's eye and each and every citizen started adoring Laura for her bravery..

Laura came back straight to the queen mother and said,

"Royal mother, I want to meet his majesty, how is he? "

'Now, he is better, he is doing fine, even he wants to meet you, just follow my lead' said queen mother

'Daughter, I was overjoyed, by your success in the first attempt, I thought you won't be able to do anything, since this is your first time, but I was wrong, and you just surprised me' said king Raj..

'"I am happy to see that, his majesty is doing well, I praythat, may almighty grant you with a healthy and a long life,

For the expenditure father, I wouldn't be able to do anything without the help of the minister's and the citizens who encouraged us, and for your revenge on the king of domes that have been achieved, the task which you gave me a year before, so now I will be released from the duty, and I hope his majesty will take care of it, in the future." said Laura

'who said I will be releasing you from the responsibility of this kingdom, now you have been chosen as a ruler of Maghada and you will be ruling next to me' said king Raj

But father, I won't be able to take up such a huge responsibility, so I can't disappoint you, so father, I want to be released from my duty and I want to be a normal princess' said Laura

No ifs and buts once what I said is done, and it's final said Raj and left from there.