Mother, please wait, says Laura

Mother please, tell father you release me from this huge responsibility, I won't be able to take it anymore, mother please pleads Laura..

'Do you think, he will listen to me, he didn't listen me when I told him, not to teach you anything since you were princess, at that time he didn't listen, do you think he will listen to me now, when you have achieved a great thing'says Meera..

Mother, but please tell him that i will take up the responsibility, after some time, but not for the time being, please mother, atleast try telling him pleads Laura..

Fine, I can try, but I can't promise you says Meera and leaves from there....


How dare she say's that, doesn't she know that she is my next successor' say's Raj

But you need to understand, she's still young to handle it, tells Meera

Maybe for the time being I can't give her the responsibility, but in future she needs to carry out no matter what the situation is, so I am training her now itself, so that she can be prepared for the future;say's Raj

I can understand, but give her free time for the time being, for her good work, appreciate her what she has done, so that she can relax a bit, then give her the responsibility bit by bit until she is capable of doing it tells Meera

What you are telling makes sense, I will do that say's Raj smiling towards Meera..


What really did he say like that, asked a surprised Laura

yes, he said so, tells Kiara

Mother really does magic on Father, don't you think Kiara asked Laura

May be I think so, but we never know, say's Kiara

Now I'm free from the responsibility for the time being, so Kiara why don't we travel a bit and do some shopping and enjoy ourselves'

we can do it Laura, but you know I never travelled like that, so I don't think so I can accompany you'

Don't be so loggerhead you know say's Laura hitting Kiara

Fine, I will come, but don't put any Stern's say's Kiara

yes ma'am I understand😉


Mother, Father we are leaving, take care of yourself..

Kiara, be little more careful okay say's Meera

Don't worry mother I will be her body guard and I will protect her say's Laura

You are Daddy's girl, so you need to be extra careful and be safe Say's a concerned Raj hugging Laura

Yes father we will be careful, bye take care..

Then they set of to Ujjain to attend the spring Festival🎉🍻

Kiara, finally we reached Ujjain after 10days, it will be fun, I have already booked a hotel for ourselves so don't worry much okay say's a concerned Laura

Okay, Laura


Run, Run,a mad Bullock is released, Run for your lives...

Bull was running towards the direction of Laura and a man comes in between..

Help, Help, a man had been hurt shout's Laura..