Chapter 1: News of Accident

It is a fine spring day. The sunlight is shining brightly on the Kim family's household. A beautiful little bird just flies past there.

A young girl is playing piano (Spring Day by BTS). It is the first monday of the month of May, and the girl is very happy to occupy with her piano.

However, her happiness doesn't last very long though when she suddenly hears a knock at the door of the living room of the household. She gently says, "Come in",

A man in black suit comes in. He looks both sad and frighten. That makes the girl curious. She stand up ... and ask... "Mr Choi, what happens... something must not be ordinary"

The man takes a deep breath and says.."Miss Kim, please be calm. There is an accident to your father Mr Kim and brother, Master Namjoon while driving to their work place in a small town. The accident happened while they were driving on the cliff. There is a crash. Mr Kim die. However, young master body is not found. So we don't know if he's alive or dead. But it seems like someone must have plot the incident....the police are investigating!"

The young miss Kim or rather known So Hyun listens to the man's words very carefully and is standing very still. But she nearly faints not long after that. But when the man comes towards her to help ...she says, "I...I'm ok...W we will find Monie Hyun (Master Namjoon) soon.." .. trying to stand still..but tears are falling heavily on her face...she tries to hold them back...but she cannot. The man is also very sad....watching Miss Kim So Hyun with sad eyes...he doesn't know what to do at all...


Meanwhile, Kim Namjoon is lying on bed at the hospital. Although, his eyes are shut, he is awake. In his head, he is thinking about the traumatic incident that happened to him not so long ago.

His father and him are visiting their work place in the countryside, Dragon Town (which is near to Flower Town).

It was a beautiful sunny day.

His father was driving along the cliff...down the cliff is a beautiful blue ocean.

The weather was beautiful until their small salon car is followed and invaded by a little bigger black car from behind. Mr Kim tried to drive as fast as he could to get away from the black car. But the man from the black car has shoot Namjoon's family car's wheels from the behind. Once invaded, the man shot his father forehead. But the bullet to Namjoon missed as he was swift enough to avoid it. Namjoon tried to fight with all his might with a gun he and his father has in their car. He was only one and there were 4 men (from the black salon car) against him. He shot them and made two of them injured...he also felt like one of them is actually secretly not fighting with him too but instead makes move for him to beat the others. There is something...the man was making a sign to him too...when finally they were face to face pointing gun to one another. The man said, with his sad face and disappointment ..." I don't want to do this ....but I have to for my own survival" then he shot Namjoon near at chest. Namjoon fell down into a deep blue ocean. After that everything went blank...but it is ...then....after a time....he could hear a girl's voice... "Mr ....Mr ....are you ok"...her voice is very gentle as well as her touch....then she shouted happily...."He's alive ..thank God!!"...then everything went blank again....when he finally feels conscious ...he was lying in a hospital room.

Then he finally opens his eyes and sees a man who shot him at the cliff sitting beside his bed.

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Let me just add Spring Day by BTS, lyrics before going to another Chapter..

"It's all winter even in August.

My heart is running on time

Alone on the snowpiercer

Wanna get to the other side of the earth

How much longing should we see snowing down

To have the days of spring, Friend"