Chapter 2: The Lost Brother

The Kim Family is a respectable one in Korea for more than a century. The family is well known for their intelligence in doing the marketing to keep themselves rich as well as following the rules of any social behaviour and status. Mr and Mrs Kim were intelligent and smart. They are well known as "Perfectionists" according to their surrounding. ... The term is also apply to their son and daughter too.

The elder son always behaved well in school....known to be high intelligence as he usually got number one every study subjects. He is also school teachers's favourite not only becausehe is rich and smart...but also has well manner.

The younger daughter is very pretty.. again well known for her artistic skills in music and paintings..and well behaved nature.

The two young siblings were very closed to each other than with their busy parents. They were happy with their life enough. But Namjoon can sometimes feels there is something wrong with his surroundings.

He feels that within their surroundings, there is hate and jealousy to his family.

Yes...the incident that just happened is a proof to him that there is even more than he had thought.


Namjoon finally get conscious and wake up from the hospital bed... only to find the one who shot him. That man is looking at him too. They are serious and there is silent for awhile. ...and Namjoon start to speak ...

"Why you do this Minho?"..

His voice is still very weak.

Minho looks away....

"I had to"...."I'm glad you are safe now"...he continues .....

"He is still after I suggest you better live quietly around here for awhile...I have already prepare a new identity for you.."

Namjoon is thinking quietly....then says...

"How is mother and So Hyung?"

"They are safe...don't worry about that I will try to protect them...with my life...", is the reply.

Namjoon is looking at him seriously.

"Then why you shot me at the cliff??"

Minho replies.."because he is watching..."

" I will try to use his trust I me to protect you and the Kim family as much as I could...he still finds value in me. "

"Who is he?"

"Someone near you..."

Suddenly Minho's phone rings...

Namjoon hear him say "Ok...I'm coming right now"

"Young master...I need to go for awhile...I will be back very soon!"...

Minho then rush out of the hospital room.


Namjoon is confused with everything.

Is Minho the one to kill him or save him?

Who is the lady whose voice he hears in his sleep? Is she the one who actually save him?


Jisoo is sitting by the seaside near her home. She is thinking back about the man she found at the shore... there.

It was two days before on one fine day. Jisoo was on holiday. She was wondering walking along the seaside when she suddenly found a man unconsciously lying at seashore....he was covering blood too.

Jisoo was shock. She tried to calm down. Then she tried to hold the upper part of body and see that he was still alive.

"Mr ....Mr ..are you ok? ... Thank god he is still". She called out to other people around to help him to get to hospital as quick as possible.

Doctor said he lost a great deal of blood and was weak..but still escaped death as the bullet is not pointed to important place of the body.

Jisoo wonder how he is now. He is still sleeping when she visited him earlier that day. Maybe she visits him again tomorrow!

Jisoo was very happy to hear about that he will get well soon. After all, he seems a great deal of a fine young man. She thought.

Just then she heard the voice "Hey" in a very loud voice. Jisoo was shock again. It is Rosè, her best friend.

"Rose ....why you do this again!..."

Rosè says "the shocked Jichuu is very cute.. Hehehe"

They both laugh and walk along the beach.

After awhile Rosè asks " Hey, how's the guy you found yesterday...I heard people around say he's handsome one"

Jisoo laughs " I think so too. I wonder how he is now... let's visit him tomorrow. Come with me"

Rosè thinks for awhile....

"Umm ok.. let's go...umm but now lets go to eat your mom's desert first. She has been inviting us!"

The girls then head back to Jisoo's small home.

Jisoo has been living on this quiet small town that connects to seaside for several years now. Her mother side of relatives are living near by too. The mother of Jisoo is a very good tailor. She has been doing the job for living since her husband death four years before.

Jisoo's father used to be a very successful businessman. But due to corruption in business, the family got poor and her father died of heart attack.


Meanwhile, Kim So Hyung is still sadden by all the things that is happened to her family. Her mother just come back from business trip in Hong Kong and just arrived. Her aunt's family (her mother's sister) arrived for the father funeral.

Her aunt and her uncle in law try their best to comfort their sister family.

As well as Mr Kim Namjung's brother and his wife.

They are very quiet at the funeral and stay for a brief amount of time because since his elder brother's death, he is so with the Kim business, Kim Group Electronic Company, in which he is a vice president, the most important role after president, Kim Namjung, Namjoon's father, who had just died.

Her aunt says "Everything will be alright sister...Mr Kim is now at peace...and we will all help to find our Namjoonie as soon as possible...I'm sure...he is still alive." Then she hugs her sister who hasn't stopped crying.

So Hyung looks still for awhile. "Who plot all of these?"

But yes...she will find her lost brother very soon.