Chapter 13: Kim Group Interview

Jisoo goes to Seoul to hunt for jobs. She has been graduated several years before. But since then, her life has fallen apart (after her father had died and their business has died down too), and she went to live with her mother in Flower Town, her mother hometown. Both her life and mind are at peace at there in such flower town. She had even met her dream guy....well not really her dream man...but she sort of fells for him ..the feeling are deep too. Suddenly, he was taken away from her. Yes..she is in the city partly, ....mostly because she wants to meet him...and of course she also wants to meet her best friends, Rosè and Suho too.

Jisoo looks out from the big window make of glass from her apartment she is renting, she is up in 13th floor.

"It is such a big big world!!", Jisoo thinks.

She picks up newspaper and looking at the job finding page....she vacancy from Kim Group Electronic Company for their Employees Resorce Department

It is written like this,

"New Job Vacancy for HR Department, Kim Group Electronic


Male/Female, Age 23 +

Bachelor of Humanity or Similar Fields"

"Umm...why is it so come at the right!...Should I try my luck?"


There is still a sunset, when Rosè is playing the piano in a big Swam hotel dinning room. There are some customer for dinning from those who are guests at the hotel. She is playing "Really" by Blackpink in Piano tune.

Jisoo comes into the room, Sit on of the chair at the dinning table and just listens to her friend's piano....there is a little singing too for Rosè....

These words

"If you really really love me, tell me

Say that you can't live one day without me

Say that you want me, you are crazy about me

If you really really love me, tell me

Say that you can't take your eyes off me

From me for a second

Tell me that you really are not like other guys

Tell me that you are ready to get a star for me

While I'm next to you, be affectionate will me

Because we don't have much time

Say that when you see other girls,

You don't care at all

Sometimes I need a lie that is not a lie"

Somehow the song even makes Jisoo miss Namjoon more....she also wants to sing those words to him.

Rosè finished her work for the day.

When she sees Jisoo, she is surprised.

"Heyy...why don't you tell me before you are coming!!"

"Telling you before hand won't be a surprise!!"

Jisoo says..

Then both girls laugh...go for their own dinning..

Jisoo says..

" Have you seen Suho around !"

"Umm.. no..Seoul is too big..besides he's a he be anything here.."Rosè says

They both laugh at that again.

Rosè: "Are you hunting for jobs here, Chu"

Jisoo: "Yes, I think new experiences in city will be great!"

Rosè: "Have you apply to any place yet"

Jisoo: "Yes"


Jisoo smiles shyly a little and say..

"Kim Group "

Rosè : "Ohh..that's big one too..good luck Chu"


Jisoo is finally called for interview at Kim Group.

It is early in the morning at about 8am.

She enters the room for interview.

A middle age man in white shirt and black trousers is waiting at his desk.

He is reading Jisoo CV (Curriculum Vitae).

He looks up at Jisoo...and says..

"Sit down, Ms"

Jisoo sits down.

"So you don't really have an office experience before..?" asks the man.

"Not yet, Mister...but I think I can do the job well"..answer Jisoo confidently.

The interview goes on for awhile.

After that, the man says,

"'s good meet you, we will need to consider your CV for awhile, for about a week or two..."

"Ohh...ok, " Jisoo says.


Jisoo is about to come out of the building, but she just remember that she has left umbrella in the office, so she goes back to take it.

But just as she is about to enter near to that big office room which has that interview room again, the man is walking along the corridor to that office with one his colleagues, saying,

" The girl seem not bad, she's bright enough but Mr Kim Young and Mrs Kim Namjung want someone who has experience enough." He then sigh." And I hope she will get another job and we will find another candidate. I have actually found one already!"

"Yep, I know that." the other man says.

The two men are both shock when they see Jisoo's standing in front of the office door like a statue.

They are both speechless.

"Ahh Ms, maybe you can try for another vaca..."

"Umm...never mind, thank you very much, Mister, I just come back to take my umbrella."

Jisoo tries to act very neutral..

But just as she is about to get out from the building again, she sees a handsome tall young man comes out from his car.

Jisoo recognises him at once. She wants to greet him but should she? He is the boss here, she thinks. Just he walks past, she try to hang up her hand and smiles at him.

He seems to be surprised by that but smiles back at her.

His eyes are showing her that he never knows her before. Then he just plain walk past her.

Then one of the gorgeous office lady greets him.

There is something going with their looks.. especially her.

Jisoo is so confused now.

As soon as she arrives back to her apartment room she lies on bed. She wants to cry somehow but still tears would not come.

" What is happening?"

Nevertheless, Jisoo is still determined to get more experience in the city and determined to find out about Namjoon. What happened to him? Who is the lady?

Jisoo goes and see Rosè quite often for time to time. Jisoo applies to other jobs too.


And about a week later, she gets an email from Kim Group telling she is accepted into the company as HR Department employee.